Submitting Annual Returns
Published: January 11, 2024

Section 4 (7) of The Registration (Strata Titles) (Amendment) Act, details what is called Annual Returns and requires strata corporations to file same, within one hundred and twenty (120) days […]

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How to Calculate Unit of Entitlement

Unit entitlement is the measure of each proprietor’s undivided share in the common property (real estate or equipment) owned by the strata corporation. In a strata corporation (apartment/office/shop) each proprietor […]

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Dealer obligations to Salesmen

The Real Estate (Dealers and Developers) Act outlines the responsibilities of the Dealers to operate within their areas of practice to which they are the holder of a valid licence.  

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A Dealers Obligation to REB

If it is the intention of a registered real estate dealer to engage in the practice of real estate business, he or she should ensure that the Authority is notified […]

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Code of Ethics and Best Practice

Real estate professionals are expected to abide by a code of ethics which demand integrity and honestly in their conduct.  They should also desist from any conduct which can bring […]

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Understanding Penalties and How they are applied

Understanding Penalty for Registering a Real Estate Developer Where a developer commences a development scheme without paying the total fees to register that development scheme the Real Estate Developer will […]

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Unregistered Developer Convicted for prepayment contracts
Published: September 17, 2019

Another real estate developer was brought to book when Harry Douglas was convicted on May 14 in the St. Ann Parish Court. Mr. Douglas was found guilty of accepting monies […]

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