When to consider dormancy?
Salesmen and Dealers who do not intend to practice real estate for the period April 1 to March 31, must request Dormancy otherwise the licence fee becomes due. Dormancy applications must be completed and submitted on or before April 1.
CPD participation while Dormant
You are encouraged to participate in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Courses even while dormant, as you will be required to undertake any outstanding CPDs prior to the issuance of a new licence.
Extended Dormancy
If you are dormant for a period in excess of three (3) consecutive years, you will be required to complete a Refresher’s Course at the Real Estate Training Institute.
Dormancy Steps
What you will need

Dormancy Form (signed by a JP)

Annual Dormancy Fee
Salesman $5500
Dealer $11,000
What is the process
Step 1: Submit Dormancy Application
A Dormancy application includes the completion of the Dormancy Declaration Form and payment of the applicable dormancy fee. The declaration form must be completed and notarized by a Justice of the Peace (JP). This may be submitted in-office or via info@reb.gov.jm by April 1 of the year in which you intend to apply for dormancy.
Step 2: Confirmation of Dormancy
You will be officially notified of your dormant status, via email and post. Your status will also be updated on the Public Register.